Q: How long does it take to complete an order?

A: Each order is a custom, hand made piece that is given a lot of care and thought. An exact timeframe cannot be given - it depends on the time of year, workload and outside commitments. If you need pieces completed by a certain date, please let me know.

Q: How do I place an order?

A: After looking through the products page and deciding on which piece you would like created message me through my Facebook page, facebook.com/paige13 or send a message through my contact page. We will then create a mutual time to meet and obtain the inclusions. From there we will talk through what you envision for you piece, complete a client intake form and the order will be taken.

Q: How much inclusions do I need?

A: PaigeThirteen works with all types of inclusions, please refer to the list bellow for how much to send.

Flowers - Depends on the flower, usually a couple petals per piece. Please have your flowers to me as quickly as possible to start the drying process before they begin to wilt to retain color. I can also use flowers that have been previously dried.

Fabric - Depending on the piece but a 3” swatch would work for any piece. Please keep in mind that the material will look as if it is ‘wet’ once set into the inclusion. Some fabrics naturally turn darker and some very fine fabrics will almost disappear. Please test the piece at home before sending to make sure this is a look you will be happy with.

Breastmilk - Minimum of 10mL (2 Tbsp)

Human Hair/Pet Hair - 2-3” long depending on the piece

Soil/Sand - 1/2 to 1 tsp

Cremation Ashes - 1/2 to 1 tsp

Q: Does PaigeThirteen sell gift certificates?

A: We do sell gift certificates at PaigeThirteen. They can be for any amount of your choosing. To order a gift certificate either message us through facebook at facebook.com/paige13 or send a message through the contact page.

Information need is:

  • Who the gift is from

  • Who it is for

  • The dollar amount

Once payment is received the electronic gift certificate will be either emailed or messaged back to you. You can then either print or email the gift certificate.

Q: Does PaigeThirteen have Venmo?

A: We DO NOT have Venmo. Currently accept cash or check made out to PaigeThirteen.